From the Winter 2019 issue
Why Is Populism On the Rise and What Do the Populists Want?
What problems are today’s populists seeking to address? Are followers of populist leaders driven by economic insecurity at a time of rising economic inequality and subpar growth, or by a reaction against progressive values, or both?
Featuring commentary from Anders Åslund, Jörg Asmussen, Dean Baker, Jared Bernstein, W. Bowman Cutter, Marek Dabrowski, Mohamed A. El-Erian, Milton Ezrati, Jeffrey Faux, Benjamin M. Friedman, James K. Galbraith, R. Glenn Hubbard, Gary N. Kleiman, Philippe Legrain, Robert E. Litan, Edward N. Luttwak, Kishore Mahbubani, K. Philippa Malmgren, Robert A. Manning, J.W. Mason, Thomas Mayer, Thomas Mirow, Jørgen Ørstrøm Møller, Kevin G. Nealer, Joseph S. Nye, Jim O’Neill, Rudolph G. Penner, Philippe Riès, Holger Schmieding, Simon Serfaty, and Klaus F. Zimmermann
Acceptable Versus Unacceptable Wealth Creation
How to escape today’s populist dilemma.
Should the Federal Reserve reexamine its communications policy? And should the Fed’s dual mandate be reexamined? More than a dozen noted experts share their thoughts.
Featuring commentary from Hannes Androsch, Scott K.H. Bessent, Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, Mario I. Blejer, Charles W. Calomiris, William B. English, Richard D. Erb, James E. Glassman, Gregory D. Hess, Richard Jerram, Mickey D. Levy, Marc Sumerlin, and William R. White.
As its twentieth anniversary approaches, was the currency fatally flawed from the start?
The Limits of Macroprudential Policy
Hardly a magic cure for the credit cycle.
The rest of Europe is losing patience.
A better approach is risk reduction.
And the “America First” challenge.
And Europe’s response.
Introducing the World’s New Technology Leader
How China is catching up fast.
Control versus market forces.
A Strategy for Stabilizing Oil Prices
Look to the futures markets.
Do deficits matter? At least not for now.