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Scott Bessent U.S. Treasury Secretary MARIO DRAGHI Former President, European Central Bank James A. Baker, III Former U.S. Secretary of State, Treasury JEAN-CLAUDE TRICHET Former President, European Central Bank Leon Panetta Former U.S. Defense Secretary, Director, Central Intelligence Agency Alan Greenspan Former Chairman, Federal Reserve MIGUEL MANCERA Former Governor, Banco de MĂ©xico GEORGE SOROS Soros Fund Management Stanley F. Druckenmiller Duquesne Capital Management Lawrence H. Summers Former U.S. Treasury Secretary JEFFREY SACHS Columbia University PAUL KRUGMAN Princeton University Robert B. Zoellick Former President, World Bank Adam S. Posen Peterson Institute for International Economics Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Harvard University Mohamed El-Erian President, Queens’ College, Cambridge University Hans-Werner Sinn Ifo Institute Laura D’Andrea Tyson University of California, Berkeley Martin N. Baily Brookings Institution John B. Taylor Stanford University Barry Eichengreen University of California, Berkeley Gary Clyde Hufbauer Peterson Institute for International Economics Kenneth S. Rogoff Harvard University James K. Galbraith University of Texas at Austin TADASHI NAKAMAE Nakamae International Economic Research Michael J. Boskin Stanford University Jeffrey E. Garten Yale University William White C. D. Howe Institute |
Catherine L. Mann Member, Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England Otmar Issing Former Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank Roger B. Porter Harvard University Carla A. Hills Former U.S. Trade Representative Andreas Dombret Former Member of the Supervisory Board, European Central Bank Jürgen Stark Former Chief Economist, European Central Bank MANUEL JOHNSON Former Vice Chairman, Federal Reserve MAKOTO UTSUMI Former Vice Minister of Finance, Japan Anne O. Krueger Former First Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund IL SAKONG Institute for Global Economics Former Minister of Finance, Korea Philip K. Verleger, Jr. Niskanen Center KLAUS C. ENGELEN Handelsblatt GERD HäUSLER Former Member of the Bundesbank Council HARALD MALMGREN The Malmgren Group Jill Gunter Espresso Systems GINA DESPRES Capital Research & Management Co. Edward N. Luttwak ENL Associates PEDRO PABLO KUCZYNSKI Former President of Peru NORMAN BAILEY Institute of World Politics STEVE HANKE Johns Hopkins University ALAN REYNOLDS Cato Institute ANATOLE KALETSKY Gavekal Dragonomics Cesar Conda Former Assistant to the Vice President for Domestic Policy |