From the Winter 2015 issue
How Dangerous Is Vladimir Putin?
Is Putin is merely a delirious fool or a serious threat to the West?
Featuring the assessments of noted observers Steven Pifer, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Matthew Rojansky, Frank J. Cilluffo, Robert Dannenberg, Mohamed A. El-Erian, James K. Galbraith, Harold James, Dalibor Rohac, K. Philippa Malmgren, Norman A. Bailey, Bernard Connolly, Patrick M. Cronin, Adam Garfinkle, Carla A. Hills, George R. Hoguet, Anne O. Krueger, Robert A. Manning, Jim O'Neill, William H. Overholt, Dimitri K. Simes, Charles Wolf, Jr., Desmond Lachman, Gary N. Kleiman, Dan Mahaffee, Ilan I. Berman, Daniel Twining, James Jay Carafano, W. Bowman Cutter, S. Frederick Starr, and J. Robinson West.
Without changes, monetary union will inevitably collapse and the euro disappear.
How to Revive the Euro Economy
Begin with a one-time devaluation of the weaker economies followed by structural reforms.
The Sadness of Karl Otto Pöhl's Legacy
“We now have the ECB française.”
A neo-classical recipe for a neo-classical problem.
German policies are hurting…Germans.
How oil today is in straits similar to those of the late-1970s U.S. economy.
Good news for the world.
The new race to the bottom.
What’s at stake with Greece.
The ugly consequences of a Greek exit.
The paradox of global capital flows.
Bundesbank brain drain, who loses with cheap oil, and China’s silent debt explosion.
Michael J. Boskin, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, Jacques de Larosière, Gerd Häusler, Otmar Issing, Manuel H. Johnson, David Marsh, Rüdiger von Rosen, and David M. Smick recall the late Bundesbank president.