From the Winter 2010 issue
Can China Become the World's Engine for Growth?
Is China large and powerful enough? Are its impressive growth prospects sustainable? Or is today’s financial market enthusiasm towards China and its global role the latest form of irrational exuberance?
In a recent New York Times column, Nobel Prize-winning columnist Paul Krugman accused China of mercantilism. Stanford Professor Ron McKinnon offers a spirited rebuttal.
Chinese officials are ignoring both international and local law for companies that produce for export.
A blow-by-blow account of the financial crisis—as it could have been. Would letting Lehman, AIG, and Citi all fail have produced a 13 percent U.S. unemployment rate?
The great mystery of why more U.S. bankers aren’t being prosecuted.
Why the U.S. dollar is doomed.
Thoughts on the meaning of the phrase, “real dollar purchasing power.”
America’s False Sense of Security
Its once-great advantages are shifting abroad.
The ramifications of a Bundesbank takeover.
New questions about the longer-run viability of the Eurozone.
Cotton, the Oil of the Nineteenth Century
Important lessons of history.
Don’t Kill the Oil Speculators
Because if that happens, energy prices will skyrocket. How commodity transactions promote price stability.
America’s economic future remains uncertain in part because of a lack of courage by policymakers in dealing with banks.