From the Spring 2018 issue
The End of Carbon Fuels?
Some experts argue that the efficiencies of solar energy and electricity storage technology have made quantum improvements in just the last eighteen months. The surprise is not the emergence of these disruptive technologies, but the speed with which they are coming on stream. Who will be the winners and losers?
Featuring commentary from Marco Annunziata, Martin Neil Baily, W. Bowman Cutter, Andrew DeWit, Deborah Gordon, Gary N. Kleiman, Robert E. Litan, Edward N. Luttwak, Robert A. Manning, J.W. Mason, Wolfgang Münchau, Daniel Pipes, Roger B. Porter, Jeffrey D. Sachs, and Bret Swanson
How marine fuel sulfur restrictions could risk catastrophe.
Rethinking the Twenty-First-Century Economy
A new role for digital taxation.
Critics charge the European Central Bank is unprepared in the event of another global financial crisis. Fair criticism? The views of three eminent observers—Jörg Asmussen, Otmar Issing, and Heiner Flassbeck.
Taking into account climate risk in bank risk management.
Comparing 2007 and 1929.
John Williams takes the helm of the New York Fed.
Understanding Today's Trade Friction
Insights for game theory.
Who Loses in a Sino-U.S. Trade War?
The non-Chinese Asian economies could be hit hard.
Struggling to tell it "well."
Valuing markets, Amazon's twenty-year return, and beware the big three: Demographics, automation, and inequality.
Europe's "Humilitation"