From the Fall 2022 issue:
Abe’s Complicated Legacy
His foreign policy architecture may help avert an international conflict, but his economic policies may have sown the seeds for a major financial crisis.
Is the land of the rising sun finally on the rise?
Featuring commentary by Andrew DeWit, Takeshi Fujimaki, Joseph E. Gagnon, James E. Glassman, Maurice R. Greenberg, Richard Jerram, Shigeo Kashiwagi, Takatoshi Kato, Richard Katz, Gary N. Kleiman, Richard C. Koo, Anne O. Krueger, Jim O’Neill, Clyde V. Prestowitz, Mark Sobel, Makoto Utsumi, Marina v N. Whitman, and Chen Zhao.
How could so many smart people fall for the fantasy?
To tame inflation, they want a recession.
What are the chances that a significant minority in the U.S. Congress, feeling the pain their constituents are experiencing from higher interest rates and economic slowdown, some time in 2023 urges the Federal Reserve to raise its inflation target from 2 to 4 percent?
Featuring commentary by Martin Neil Baily, Dean Baker, Michael J. Boskin, W. Bowman Cutter, Everett M. Ehrlich, Richard D. Erb, James K. Galbraith, Gregory D. Hess, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Steven B. Kamin, Robert E. Litan, Allen Sinai, Edwin M. Truman, and R. Christopher Whalen.
An interest rate disaster. Be very afraid.
Borrowing for infrastructure spending is the new economic model. A condensed excerpt from respected economist Richard Koo’s latest book, Pursued Economy: Understanding and Overcoming the Challenging New Realities for Advanced Economies.
A super-free economy and an exceptionally generous social safety net.
The year everything changed. An excerpt from Slouching Towards Utopia: An Economic History of the Twentieth Century by J. Bradford DeLong.
Half a millennium ago, Chinese peasants learned to squeeze economic value out of everything from a latrine to ginkgo nuts.
All of Europe’s eyes are finally opening. The green dream is complicated.
A review of Empathy Economics: Janet Yellen’s Remarkable Rise to Power and Her Drive to Spread Prosperity to All by Owen Ullmann.
Is Ron Klain the most powerful man in the world? And what about Xi Jinping’s change in body language after meeting Joe Biden?
Well, finally: Belated calls for crypto regulation.
Germany in crisis: As the winter approaches, the governing coalition is being punished.