From the Fall 2013 issue
The new Fed Chair will surely have her hands full.
Dodd-Frank, while incomplete, is working. Now if only the European banks were fully recapitalized.
How has quantitative easing failed? Let me count the ways.
Is Regulation, or the Lack Thereof, Risking a Second Great Financial Crisis?
Is the lack of effective financial market regulation exposing the United States and the world to a second crisis? Or does the threat of the Volcker Rule and the overall uncertainty of U.S. financial market regulation have the potential to dramatically reduce market liquidity?
The Federal Reserve’s World War II-style monetary regime is both not working and producing extraordinary inequality.
While regulation is important, we need a change in culture to prevent another crisis.
What Are the Chances the United States Becomes Energy Independent?
Is the shale oil/U.S. energy independence narrative a myth or a certainty?
A review of Gregory Zuckerman’s compelling new book, The Frackers: The Outrageous Inside Story of the New Billionaire Wildcatters.
Lew’s shrill criticism of Germany suggests the U.S. Treasury has been thoroughly politicized.
Europe 1914 vs. Monetary Union Today
The difference is that World War I was a tragedy, not a crime. “Monetary union is a tragedy and a crime.”
With the spying scandal, Europe—and particularly Germany— discover “mindboggling vulnerabilities.” Will the spotlight now move to financial espionage?
A new approach to higher productivity.
Anticipating the Third Plenum.
Prophets of scarity, Obama's good news, did the Tea Party win?, and more.
Yellen's Plea.
“Janet Who?”